This OSCE revision course, for 2nd years preparing for the end of Phase 1 OSCE, runs over two Saturdays or Sundays in April-May of Semester 4.
Day one consists of small group tutorials, refreshing all aspects of the OSCE: history taking, explanation and examination skills in cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal and nervous systems.
Day two is a full mock OSCE where students rotate through stations and are directly observed by tutors conducting timed histories and examinations with simulated patients. Like the real OSCE, this is followed by a set of vivaquestions. After each station, students are given ample time to receive feedback on their performance. Each student is provided with a booklet where tutors record notes for feedback. Pizza is provided at lunch time too! To cover the cost of this printing and food, there is a small charge to attend.
This year it will be run on the 25th and 26th of April! Stay tuned for sign up which will be released soon!